Last Update 06/20/2022
Completion Time 8 hours 36 minutes
Members 25
  • Content Slide
    • react js mern (Day 1)
    • react js mern (Day 2)
    • react js mern (Extra)
  • Content File
    • Additional File
    • Complete Reference Project Course
  • Course Content Day 1
    • Basic ReactJS, NodeJS, Express and MongoDB (1/20) : Introduction React
      10 xp
    • Installation npm (2/20)
      10 xp
    • Programing Language (3/20)
      10 xp
    • ReactJS Basic to Bootstrap (4/20)
      10 xp
    • ReactBootstrap (5/20)
      10 xp
    • FlexBox Layout (6/20)
      10 xp
    • Component Life Cycle and ReactHook (7/20)
      10 xp
    • Props vs State and Create FormBasic to Formik (8/20)
      10 xp
    • Formik with Yup (9/20)
      10 xp
    • React Router (10/20)
      10 xp
    • React Redux (11/20)
      10 xp
    • Excercise Implement Code Redux (12/20)
      10 xp
  • Course Content Day 2
    • NodeJS Introduction (13/20)
      10 xp
    • NodeJS Express (14/20)
      10 xp
    • Callback Function (15/20)
      10 xp
    • Axios Introduction and Implement Code (16/20)
      10 xp
    • JWT Intro and Implement (17/20)
      10 xp
    • Axios Interceptor (18/20)
      10 xp
    • MongoDB Introduction and Implement (19/20)
      10 xp
    • Mongoose Implement (20/20)
      10 xp


- Visual Studio Code link

- Node.js

Requirement knowledge for this course

- Basic Javascript CSS and HTML

- Basic JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)